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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Blocking a public boat ramp...Really!

Things about fishing usually get my attention quickly. Lately, some things about fishing have gotten my attention…but not in a good way. Incidents of anger between anglers out on the water, are getting as common as road rage on the highways. While the sport of fishing is booming, it seems that ignorance on our waterways is too.

I have personally witnessed a couple of things in the last month that are very disturbing. I have watched a kayak angler paddle directly between another kayak angler and the bank she was fishing. He then proceeded to fish the water where the female angler was anchored down on. The second incident that has my blood boiling happened on the same lake, just on a different day. A boater that obviously thinks he is above the law and better than everyone else, parked his truck and trailer in the water on a single access boat ramp. That’s where he left it while he went fishing. This action prevented any other boat from using the boat ramp until he left the lake.

It is rudeness and stupidity such as this that cause problems that often lead to severe problems. Where or when did this kind of crap become ok? I certainly don’t remember this stuff being common place while I was growing up. I have fished tournaments for over thirty years, and fun fished for over forty years. Never have I seen the need to act in such a disrespectful or hateful manner while on the water.

As a rule, when launching from a public boat ramp, you need to spend as little time as possible on the ramp. Have your boat ready to put in when you back down the ramp, then get your tow vehicle out of the way as quickly as possible. This is called common courtesy.

Addressing the other issue, don’t crowd people out on the lake. It’s not a hard rule, just give people space. Treating others the way you expect to be treated, will usually take care of all the problems we encounter. This applies to everyone on the water. From the bank fisherman to the bass pro and everyone in between. The water is the most beautiful, relaxing place on earth…let’s keep it that way.

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