Well guys
this week has been tough. During the time that I had to fish, it was brutally,
hot. One of my fishing days I had the bright Idea to fish a kayak tournament,
then the same afternoon film a show. This was a very bad idea idea. It left me
dehydrated and totally exhausted. But, it was nobody’s fault but my own. I didn’t
drink enough water or eat properly.
On a
brighter note, I did get my show filmed and turned in on time. I also witnessed
something on Lake Catoma I’d like to share with you. Now for those of you not
from my area, Lake Catoma is our public water source. It has a ten horsepower,
motor restriction, and there is no swimming or wading allowed. What I saw
Saturday afternoon around 6:00 pm completely caught me off guard. A man and his
family headed down the lake just as many families do in their little boats.
But, somewhere between the boat ramp and the 157 bridge the man stopped his
boat and let his kids out to swim. Not only was this activity against the law,
it was extremely dangerous. The boaters on our lake do not look for swimmers in
the water…they aren’t supposed to be there. Hell, some don’t even look for
other boaters.
The right
thing for me to have done was to have gotten word to them that they were
breaking the law or simply picked up the phone and called 911. The area they
were swimming in was a heavily used boat lane that most boaters coming and
going always use. I kept thinking that soon they will climb back in the boat
and go on their merry way. Forty-five minutes later they did. This has bothered
me ever since that day. I have made up my mind to make the call if I ever see
this again. I hope if any of you witness this type of dangerous behavior on
this waterway or another you will please report it. I would rather see someone
get a ticket that to end up with a life being lost.