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Saturday, September 17, 2016

More light tackle action

Hidden Talents

The point in time that I realized that I actually had fans was extremely overwhelming. It was at that time I knew I had more to do than just write articles for pennies, fish on YouTube videos, or sell my wood working projects.  I knew I was creating a platform in which I could touch lives and possibly leave a legacy long after I am gone. Many people out in the world have some of these same opportunities but they just don’t take advantage of them. Do you have talents that are just lying dormant?

As for my fishing, I was blessed growing up with parents that both enjoyed the sport. Back then, for us it was more than a sport, it was a way to put supper on the table. The better we were at fishing, the better we ate. I was a youngster running around the docks of the Chewalla Marina in Eufaula Alabama when B.A.S.S. was just getting started. Dad worked at the marina so I got to do lots of fishing at an early age.

Fast forward, from the early 70’s to 2015. It was then I decided to share my fishing on YouTube. The videos paved the way to an eventual TV show where I am at now. This is the break I guess I have looked for my whole life. Of all the things I have been involved with, my show “Simply Fishing,” is the most satisfying. I get to fish and share what I’ve learned over the years with a new generation of fishermen. I’ll be the very first to admit that I don’t know everything, but to me the challenge of learning is my motivation. My tip for any new fisherman would be to never stop trying to learn. Once you stop learning you get stuck in a rut. Ruts are often hard to get out of once they become too deep.

Back to the question I asked earlier. Do you have talents lying dormant? No matter how insignificant you may think those talents are don’t dismiss them. Nurture them and help them grow. Somewhere, sometime, someone will appreciate them. You guys have a great day.

Lowell Henderson